Sunday, November 9, 2008

Primary Program

Today was our ward's primary program. I was so impressed with the kids in the ward, and the leaders. They did such a good job. Ethan was asked to recite the third article of faith. I was proud that he had taken it upon himself to memorize it. We work on those things here and there, but I will admit not nearly as much as we should. I often get overwhelmed at the responsibility of teaching the kids, and what to teach and priorities! But they are eager to learn the things of the Gospel, and that is so helpful. Katelyn had her part memorized the first week we started to work on it. But she got a little nervous and I think they thought her hesitation was because she needed help, and so that confused her a little bit. But for as shy as my kids are, I was so proud of them! It was so fun to watch them sing their little hearts out. I taught relief society today. The lesson was on the Second Coming and the Millennium. To have read all of the things about destruction and desolation and things to come and wars and contentions, to watch those kids today filled my heart with a lot of faith and hope for the future. It was really a good day.
Although getting to church for us is another story. Involving Alyssa having and accident in the tub, to a toilet overflowing. Etc... Seriously, for us, we are kind of used to having catastrophes on Sunday. It means that we are on the right track! But it is always worth what we go through to get to church. After church today, Zach's teacher called and said that she had to share with us something that happened today. Zach was on one of the riding toys in the nursery, and another little boy really wanted to ride it. Without really any expectation at all, the nursery leader asked Zach if he could let the other little boy have a turn. She said Zach didn't even hesitate, he got off the bike, said here you go and went and found something else to do. I heard Dan say on the phone things like, that was my kid? and That is really nice to hear. So here is a shout out to the kids for a great day. Alyssa even stayed in the nursery without a lot of drama. Way to go guys! I was so proud of you!
When we got home from our two minute drive from the church, Alyssa was sound asleep. But because we get home so late we didn't want her to sleep for too long, because we wanted her to go to bed before 10. So Dan laid her on a pillow in the living room, and covered her with a blanket. Katelyn came in, looked at Alyssa and said, "ohhh". And then she went to get some of her favorite dolls and a bear, and laid them all next to Alyssa. Dan said, "Katelyn, that was nice of you." and Katelyn said, "well, I didn't want Alyssa to get scared". I have to say, it was a really good day!


Ruth said...

I hope you don't mind. I'm "blog stalker" YOU :)
LOVED the primary program, Bishop's closing remarks as well as your lesson. It was a GOOD day!

Ruth said...

I meant "Blog StalkING" - it's late I can't type well. GOOD NIGHT!