Saturday, November 15, 2008

A good night sleep can do wonders

My favorite time of the day is the morning. When the kids wake up, hair a mess, jammies twisted, and they walk around with their eyes half opened. (Not very straight either) What makes our mornings so nice is that all of our kids 99% of the time will wake up happy and excited for a new day. The boys woke up a little earlier than normal for a Saturday, they were talking and laughing and getting ready to watch Star Wars. Completely equipped with blankets and pillows. Alyssa woke up next, and wanted to see the guys. (Hi guys, she always says) and then she came running into my room a little while later, Katie! Katie! So excited that Katelyn had finally gotten out of bed. No fighting, no drama, just everyone happy as could be. It illustrated to me the darkness I felt last night, to the brightness of a new day. I think we have all been there now and again in the dark, I guess the trick is to not stay there for very long. I found that once you let yourself go there, it is so hard to leave! But today, it was so much nicer to feel the bright new sun, and to feel the happiness that radiated from my kids.
So, off to do the laundry I let myself put off. (has anyone seen the commercial of the enormous ball of laundry that rolls into the backyard? that's my pile) haha. Which to me, says that we are so blessed to have clothes for our kids to wear, and I am blessed that my washer still works, for now... Dan is almost home, and then we will take our kids to see the wonders of Tucson, (most likely the park, or the zoo, or if we are really, really crazy, the mall to see if Santa really is here before Thanksgiving!) Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you woke up to a happier dawn!