Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Zach's lessons in numbers and letters

Ok, (this is kind of funny) so today Zach and I were having our letter of the day and number of the day lesson (thank you Sesame street) Today it was the letter B and the number 5. So we started to name all the things that start with b. Balloons, butterflies... and then with the number 5. So I started thinking of all the things that come in 5s....

5 Fingers

5 Toes

Jackson 5

Five for Fighting (if I go crazy will you still call me Superman?)

5 for $5

Johnny 5

Fab 5

Katelyn's 5

High 5..... on and on and on.....

You see from this that I need to get out more. A lot more.

Well, then to continue on with our lesson, I had him count 5 things that started with B. (5 birds, one stone...) :)

5 bugs

5 butterflies

5 bells

5 babies

oh wait.... that is only 4.......

But if you add one more........

You get 5!!!

Ok, so that was a really long way to announce... That in February we will have a basketball team!

Are any of you shocked? We were!!!!! Let's just say that although this was NOT part of the immediate plan, we believe in miracles, and apparently Heavenly Father knows what we need better than we do.

We found out about our little miracle baby at the end of June. I had an ultrasound about two weeks ago (actually, the day Cody and Eloise came home with Joshua...funny story), so the official due date is February 19, 2009, which makes me 14 weeks along. (Although, Dr. Fewell said she will schedule and induction a week early, "you know the drill" she said). Everything is good, and we are healthy. Aside from being a little tired, things are going well, and going by FAST! The really good news is that I am finally feeling better! :) YEA! I was so busy, I hardly (haha) noticed...Except at night, and in the morning... :) and mostly on the Sundays when I taught relief society... I did not think I was going to make it on those days. We will find out if it is a boy or a girl on Sept 23rd. (I am fairly certain it is a boy, but it will be nice to have confirmation.) Although we are bursting at the seams as it is, we are grateful to be so blessed.
It was funny, a couple of days before we found out, someone gave us a nice set of bunk beds. Who knew the girls would need them so soon!

I am sure you all have a million questions/ hopefully we will hear from you soon.



Jana said...

Cute way to announce!! I am not shocked at all-I was actually wondering when you would be announcing! Congrats!

I'm glad you are doing a blog-I have thought about doing one since I'm soooooooo horrble at keeping in touch, and I don't keep a journal and I am bad at taking picutes etc. It would just help me out with all those things. But I am very good at thinking about doing things-and then not doing them!

It will be fun to see what you guys are up to! Take Care!

Love JK

Summertime Designs said...

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Congratulations Mindy! That is just way too exciting. And what cute pictures of your kids. I love that they're all in white. Okay, and apparently you forgot to mention that there were 5 members from New Kids On The Block!

Kim Watson said...

I'm so glad you have a blog! I've been waiting for you to start I can keep up to date on you and your family.
Holy cow! I can't believe you're going to have 5! When I first met you, you were about to pop with Ethan. How are the kids?
You're probably right about it being a boy...don't you have a perfect track record?

Wendie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you. You are awesome.

Melisa said...

Congratulations! The kids are getting so big. I was so glad to get your e-mail. I think about you guys often and wonder what is going on back in Arizona. We miss it, but things are going well here. I can't wait to follow the happenings of your GROWING family.

Unknown said...

Lawlor's! That is soo fantastic...I am so happy for you. Five kids, that is so fun! I can't believe how big they all are...have we really been gone that long? Anyways...congrats really that is amazing for you all!

Sarah Bisel said...

Super exciting! Congrats. That is fabulous. You are my HERO!

Wade family said...

Hahaha, very funny way of sharing the "news". Ryan and I just found your blog and were reading it together and we were both surprised! We laughed and said wow. Congratulations!

Carrie said...


I found your blog through the Stephens fam and can I just say that today at church, I actually had this thought, "Mindy looks pregnant" but I would never say anything until I knew for sure and lo and behold, I was right! Congratulations!

Carrie D.

danaelmer said...

I was reading your blog thinking "wow! she is such a great mom practicing letters and numbers daily with her kids. No wonder her children are always prepared for preschool" I never saw it coming!! Congratulations!! I am so excited to have Lawlors in preschool for the next 3-5 years! Whoo HOO!!!
Way to cute announcement....very clever!
love, dana