Sunday, January 18, 2009
Texas Road House
The nurses called this his "party hat". He kept trying to pull out his IV, so they had to put this over it.
About a month old.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Zach, Zach, Zach
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13th, 2009--Already!?
We got the kids report cards last week, and I have to say hurray! They did so good. They are really enjoying school, and my hope is that I can make this enthusiasm last! Although, it is almost impossible to wake them up! I think we are still catching up from all of the late nights over Christmas break, but oh my goodness. Ethan even has an alarm clock! Although, there have been a few days where he will wake up with the alarm clock, and get ready even before I am up. He is getting so old. :)
For the last couple of days at preschool, Zach has started to say, "Ms. Dana, I don't feel well... I can't do my papers". Of course he can play like crazy, but he just can't color his papers. I was working with him yesterday, and he says, "mom, I can't color anymore, can you do it for me?" in his scratchiest voice. What a faker. :) I can't clean up my toys because my stomach hurts.....
Alyssa is talking a lot more, and although it is hard to let her go into nursery, once she is in there, she is fine. She seems really happy, running around the house with one of Katelyn's shoes on, (they are too big for her to wear two, so she wears just one). I think she can sense that there are some big changes coming, all of a sudden she screams "no, no!" when she has to go to bed. That has not ever happened before. It breaks my heart to hear her cry, since she rarely does. But she has turned into a really good pretender lately. When she plays with her dolls, she pretends that they are sad and crying, and then gives them a "baby cup"aka bottle. Is she really almost 2? :)
Katelyn is doing really well in school, and she is getting so tall! She is such a sweetheart. She said that one of her friends at school was crying and she walked him to his bus and then walked back to her bus. She said she even gave him a hug to help him to feel better. I said did he feel better, she said, "no, but I tried to help him." So cute, I wish I could have seen it. She and Alyssa got to be good buddies over the break. It is fun to watch them together. Although, they like to play on Katelyn's bed, Alyssa's favorite thing to do. I wouldn't mind so much, if it weren't up so high!
Dan is still job searching. It has been pretty frustrating lately. We are a little confused as to what to do next. I can't imagine making these important decisions without prayer and a little extra guidance. I recently got a email from a friend who is going through the adoption process. I can't imagine what they are going through, but as I look at both situations, the thing we have in common is patience and relying on the Lord.
I am feeling really great these days. This has been a really great pregnancy. Over the holidays, I don't know if it was because I wasn't sleeping enough with all the fun going on, or what, but I wasn't doing so great. It was a little hard not to complain, the pain was sometimes so bad, but I made it through. I don't think I was all that fun to be around, but in my defense, I was a little worried about things not going so well with the pregnancy, and just plain exhausted. But all is well, and he and I are both healthy and strong. I still can't believe it is only a month away. Although, it is getting difficult to be comfortable at night. :) This is the first pregnancy though that Dan has been around a lot more, and he is so helpful. It is really hard to find anything to complain about these days. We have been so blessed and despite the bumps in the road we are still facing, we are happy and optimistic for future days. I have just come to realize that this is all going by so fast, that I need to enjoy every minute.